If you purchase oils or other doTERRA products somewhat regularly, you may benefit from setting up your LRP. You’ll begin to earn points that can be traded in for products and you will also be able to receive the free product of the month if your Product Value (PV) is at 125 or more for the month. If you have products that you need each month, like your vitamins or your shampoo and skincare, setting this up will definitely serve you. I always have mine set up, but I will go in towards the end of the month and edit it if there are items I don’t need for the month ahead!
Log into your account on, then on the right side of the screen, select the purple "Create New Loyalty Order" button
Pick an available date before the 15th on which you would like your LRP to automatically process. Select "Save Date and Shop."
Browse the shopping menu to find products you wish to add to your order. Select the "Add" button to add it to your cart
Once you have found all your items, click on the "Bag" in the top Right icon and press "Review Order."
From inside your cart, you can:
Edit your cart contents. See Editing a Loyalty Rewards Program Order Template.
Edit Shipping, Payment, and Notifications for your order. See Edit Shipping, Payment, and Notifications in a Loyalty Template.
Check the Personal Consumption box if you do not plan to resell these products. Checking or un-checking this box will affect the taxes on your order. For more details, see Personal Consumption Information.
If all of the details for your order look correct, you can select "Save and Process on (date)" to have the order process on the date you selected or "Proceed to Checkout" to process the order immediately. See Processing Your Loyalty Rewards Program Order.